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  • Brand Design & Consulting

  • Product & Experience

  • Connected Communications

Kuwait has developed at extraordinary pace. The National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) knew they needed to evolve to attract the countries expanding, and progressive youth audience. The solution: a new banking proposition called Weyay. A brand and experience that reimagines everyday banking for young kuwaitis.

  • Brand Strategy

  • Brand & Verbal Design

  • Product & Experience

  • Design System

No. 1

Finance app on iOS and Android at launch

No. 1

Bank in the country for brand recal, ages 15-24yr


Share of 18-24yr Kuwaiti customers in year 1


Exceeded first year goals


TikTok views

“R/GA is an innovation partner that has a unique understanding of how new technology is driving the transformation of customer experiences in the Middle East.”

Aamir Fadel, NBK Head of International Consumer Banking

  • Brand Positioning

  • Brand Architecture

  • Verbal Identity System

  • Visual Identity System

  • Guidelines

    Related Work
    • Overview
    • R/GA Practices
    • Our Role
    • Success
    • From
    • Brand Design
    • Verbal Design
    • Product