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People just don’t like going to the doctor. In fact, more than 51% of Americans fear going to the doctor. But that won’t help prevent the preventable. All it takes is knowing. And giving people more control over their health care decisions.

Quest wanted to give consumers an empowering choice to know more about their health through diagnostic testing, without the anxious journey through doctors offices.

So we invited anyone curious about their health to test on their terms, with Quest. “Put Your ______ To The Test” is a campaign that spoke to the health-conscious across the map, with allergy and STD tests, genetic predisposition tests, diet and vitamin deficiency tests, and more. With provocative, category-bending creative we invited people to test how and when they want, no prescription required. And people stepped up to conquer their fear, test with Quest, and find out whats going on inside. Because knowing really does feel better.

  • Campaign Creation

  • Activation

  • Brand Positioning

  • Media Planning & Buying




Video views


Increase in awareness


Clicks to the site


Branded searches


Increase in sales

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Ryan Anderson Executive Director, Consumer Health Quest

Channel Planning
Campaign Creation
Media Strategy
Social Strategy
Channel Planning
Campaign Creation
Media Strategy
Social Strategy


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