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Founderland support women of colour founders based in Europe and the UK, who've faced obstacles tied to their ethnicity and race in their business journeys. They have an annual investor-readiness program, Compass, however they can only offer a limited number of places. Could we use technology to prepare more founders each year for their VC pitch?

PAM is a web experience powered by Ai. It’s a safe-space online for founders to practice their pitch. PAM provides instant, personalised feedback on a presenters delivery, slideware and content.

  • Experience Strategy

  • Experience Design

  • Visual Design

  • Product Design & Development

  • AI Integration

“In our accelerator, we focus on early-stage entrepreneurs who typically haven’t had a chance to meet an investor yet. Pitching is a key skill they need, but it’s tough without practice or access to real investors. That’s where PAM comes in – it’s like a practice ground for these founders, giving them a fair shot at getting their ideas out there.”

Stephanie von Behr, Co-founder Founderland